Wednesday, 5 March 2025

For March 11, 2025

Thank you for the effort to participate!

No class on May 20, 2025 (the 12th week, the school's Lifelong Learning Week, in which the school will prepare talks for you to attend). 
For Mar 11, 2025:
1."Tips for Learning English". For members who have not gone through the handout. 

2. "English Learning Goals" handout. Please think about and write down your English learning goals for this term. Be specific about what, when, how, how often, and where. Send/give me a copy so I can help you better. We will review your progress halfway through the term and at the end of the term.  

3. "A Running Challenge" (p.14-16 of the December 2024 issue of Studio Classroom magazine). 

4. "Gratitude" handout.

5. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 17 (p.88), unit 17 (p.23). Adjectives (p.73).

Saturday, 22 February 2025

For Mar 4, 2025 (Free auditing)

Hope you all had a good Chinese New Year break.

The Spring of our class will be from March 4 to May 20, 2025, for 12 weeks.
We're celebrating our 45th term and 23rd year : )
Our class will be online using Google Meet.

March 4, 2025 is also free auditing day. Please invite everyone interested in learning English to join us!

No class on May 20, 2025 (the 12th week, the school's Lifelong Learning Week, in which the school will prepare talks for you to attend). 
For Mar 4, 2025:

1. Introduction: 
 a) What are your English learning goals for this term? 
 b) What would you like to get out of this class? 
 c) What challenge(s) have you had in learning or speaking English? 
 d) Please share one or two method(s) that has/have helped you improve your English. 
 e) How have you been? What have you been up to? (What have you been doing?)
 f) What do you do for fun? (Your hobbies and interests.) 

2. "Tips for Learning English". For members who have not gone through the handout. 

3. "English Learning Goals" handout. Please think about and write down your English learning goals for this term. Be specific about what, when, how, how often, and where. Send/give me a copy so I can help you better. We will review your progress halfway through the term and at the end of the term.  

4. For those that already got the December 2024 issue of Studio Classroom magazine and would like to start practicing: "Green, Green Matcha" (p.12-13).

5. "Contentment" handout. 

6. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 16 (p.87), unit 16 (p.22). Pronouns and Possessives (p.72).

Looking forward to seeing everyone on March 4!

Thursday, 13 February 2025

The spring term of our class will be online using Google Meet from March 5, 2025 to May 20, 2025, for 12 weeks.

March 5, 2025 is also free auditing day. Please invite anyone interested in learning English to join us!

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

For November 26, 2024

It’s been a great term! Thank you for the consistent effort, which has enabled you to make terrific progress in your English skills!


  1.  No class on November 19 (week 12, the school’s Lifelong Learning week, in which the school will prepare talks for you to attend).
  2. Early registration for the Spring term of 2025: Our class will be online from March 5, 2025 to May 20, 2025.

The total fee is NT$1,900 if you'd like to receive15% off tuition fee by registering by January 4, 2025. This includes NT$1,700 tuition fee (15% off), and NT$200 registration fee. 

You can register either in-person or online. 

  1. We will use the December 2024 issue of Studio Classroom magazine for the spring term of 2025. If you would like to get it to study during the winter break and get the group rate, and need any assistance, please let the class leader Tina know. You can also order it through the group sales rep yourself. 


For November 26, 2024 (the last lesson the term):

1. Review and practice "Intonation" , "Linked Sounds", and “Reduced Sounds” using class materials.

2. "Come Fly With Me" (p. 50~52 of Studio Classroom magazine).

3. "Living With Purpose" handout. 

4. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 15 (p.87), unit 15 (p.21). Be and Have (p.73).

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (Part 3, which we did not get to cover on November 12). 

Thursday, 7 November 2024

For November 12, 2024 (Free auditing, please invite anyone interested in learning English to join us)

Thank you for the great work!

For November 12, 2024:

1. Review and practice "Intonation" , "Linked Sounds", and “Reduced Sounds” using class materials.

2. "Summer Skincare" (p. 44-45 of Studio Classroom magazine).

3. "Knowing Your Worth" handout. 

4. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 14 (p.87), unit 14 (p.20). Articles (p.72).

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (Part 3). 

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

For November 5, 2024

A warm welcome to the new member of our class Catherine!


1. We have three more lessons left this term: November 5, November 12 (week 11, which is also free auditing day), and November 26 (week 13, make-up class for September 17). 

2. No class on November 19 (week 12, the school’s Lifelong Learning week, in which the school will prepare talks for you to attend.)

3. Group registration for the Spring term of 2025: 

Our class will be online from March 5, 2025 to May 20, 2025. 

The total fee is NT$1,900 if you'd like to register with the group and receive 15% off tuition fee. This includes NT$1,700 tuition fee (15% off), and NT$200 registration fee. 

You can register either in-person or online. 

The last day to receive 15% off tuition fee is January 4, 2025. 


For November 5, 2024:

1. Review and practice "Intonation" , "Linked Sounds", and “Reduced Sounds” using class materials.

2. "Dress for Joy" (p. 42-43 of Studio Classroom magazine).

3. "Living with Hope " handout. 

4. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 13 (p.87), unit 13 (p.19). Irregular Verbs (p.80).

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (Part 2). 

Have a blessed week and restful typhoon holiday!

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

For Oct 29, 2024

Everyone is making terrific progress!

For Oct 29, 2024:

1. Review and practice "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" using class materials.

2. "Cars Without Drivers" (p.38-39 of Studio Classroom magazine).

3. "Freedom from Bondage" handout. 

4. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 12 (p.86), unit 12 (p.18). Gerunds and Infinitives (p.80).

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (Part 1). 

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

For Oct 22, 2024

Thank you for the excellent work and openness to share!

For Oct 22, 2024:

1. Review and practice "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" (Link a final consonant sound with the vowel sound that follows) using class materials.

2. "Illegal Wildlife Trading" (p.34-36 of Studio Classroom magazine).

3. "The Great Healer" handout. 

4. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 11 (p.86), unit 11 (p.16). Modal Verbs 2 (p.79).

5. Pronunciation. 

Thursday, 10 October 2024

For Oct 15, 2024

1. "Linked Sounds": Link a final consonant sound with the vowel sound that follows.

2. The Importance of Family" (p.32-33 of Studio Classroom magazine).

3. "Love" handout.

4. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 10 (p.86), unit 10 (p.16). Modal Verbs 1 (p.79).

5. Pronunciation.

Friday, 4 October 2024

For Oct 8, 2024

Thank you for practicing diligently and sharing!

For Oct 8, 2024:

1. "Intonation" handout (which we didn't get to cover on Oct 1 for the new members. ) Thanks so much to Grace for the wonderful handout!

2. "Katie Ledecky: Swimming Wonder" (p. 24-25 of Studio Classroom magazine)

3. "True Beauty" handout. 

4. Survival English if you'd like to/there is time left, if you already got the book: Culture File 9 (p.86), unit 9 (p.15). Prepositions (p.78).

5. Pronunciation.

Have a restful typhoon holiday and blessed week!