Thursday, 6 September 2012

Make-up Classes for Fall Term, 2012

The class decided to make up for the one class that the teacher needs to cancel in Oct by starting ten minutes early beginning Sept 11 (i.e. Class is from 6:50 to 9:30 p.m. beginning Sept 11.)

The last class is supposed to be on Jan 1, 2013, which is a national holiday. It will be made up for on Jan 8, 2013 (the 19th week, which is the school's official week for make up classes).

For Sept 11, 2012

Class is from 6:50 to 9:30 p.m. beginning Sept 11, 2012.

1. Your English learning goals
2. Tips for Learning English
3. David and Johnathan (part 1 of 2)