Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Announcement for Nov 18, 2014

If you'd like to go through a chapter of the book Traveling Around the World with CNN each week with Heidi, please bring your book to class weekly. You're welcome to borrow the copy in the class library if you don't have the book. The unit that can be covered on Nov 18 is "A Pearl on the Baltic" (p. 104-108).

For Nov 18, 2014

1. Free talk: Personality. Sports, exercise, fitness; "The Subjunctive Mood" handout if you would like to use it but haven't
2.  Love Your Enemy (p.17-18 of the 19-page handouts)
To listen to it online: (Just over three minutes. A slightly different version from the version given to you.)

3. Survival unit 10, Culture File 10 (p.86)
4. Pronunciation 
5. Rehearse skit "Crossing the Red Sea".