Thursday, 25 April 2019

Our Last Class of the Spring term of 2019 is on May 28, 2019

For May 7, 2019 (No class on Apr 30, 2019)

1. Review Present Simple Tense (p.75 of the Survival book): Please make a sentence using present simple tense and write it down ahead of time to share in class if you'd like to review it. Thanks to Amy for suggesting it!
2. Survival English unit 44, Culture File 44 (p.94), if you did not get a chance to go through it on Apr 23 and would like to. Unit 45, Culture File 45 (p.95), if you would like to move on. Listening exercise. 
3. Any handout(s) you would like to go through but haven't got a chance to.
4. "Understanding Loneliness" handout if there's time left for it or if you wish to go through it on May 7. 
5. Pronunciation
6. Free talk topic(s): Education.
7. Tips for Learning English (Please bring this handout to class weekly as we may refer to it from time to time).
8. Review "Linked Sounds" and "Intonation" using class materials.

1. If you would like to share a new vocabulary word with the class, please let me know by Thursday so that it can be posed in the class blog for those that might want to look it up before it is presented in class in the following week. Thanks to Brian for suggesting it!

2. Our last class this term is on May 28, 2019.