Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Group registration for the spring term of 2018 until Nov 28, 2017

Please bring NT$2,100 to class on Nov 28, 2017 if you'd like to register with the group and receive 15% off tuition fee. You can still register by yourself and receive 15% off tuition fee by January 6, 2018. You'll need to fill out a form if you register by yourself. No need to fill out any form if you register with our class.

Pizza Party & Free Auditing on November 28, 2017

Pizza will be available in the class at around 7:30 PM. Please let Maggie know by Monday, November 27 if you are vegetarian and/or cannot eat certain ingredients e.g.seafood, spicy food. Thanks to Maggie for ordering pizza for the class!