Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Free Auditing on May 19, 2020

Our last class this term is May 19, 2020, which is also free auditing day. Please invite people interested in learning English to join us!

Group Registration for the fall term of 2020

The fall term of our class will be from September 1, 2020 to December 29, 2020, for 18 weeks.
Please bring NT$2,950 on May 12 or 19, 2020
if you'd like to register with the group and receive 15% off tuition fee. This includes NT$2,550 tuition fee (15% off), NT$200 registration fee, and NT$200 insurance premium.

For May 5, 2020 (No class on Apr 28, 2020)

It's a joy to see everyone so dedicated to learning English! Thank you for the excellent work! 

For May 5, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" & "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 
2. Survival English unit 15, Culture File 15 (p.87),  Adverbs (p.74). 
3. "Facing Fear"  (handout given on Apr 21).
4. Free talk topic(s): Management.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Linked Sounds (1).