About The Intermediate English Conversation Class
by Regina Wang, student of Intermediate English Conversation Class.
It's June again and almost the end of this semester. This is the fifth semester at Daan Community University. I have also taken the Intermediate English Conversation Class at this school for five terms.
This English class is on Friday night. Every Friday night I go to the class to improve my English skills. I like this class very much. Although my English is still not perfect, I have a lot of fun in the class. In this class every student desires to improve their English. We try our best to converse with our classmates in English. If we don't know how to say something in English, we always try to describe it, then ask the teacher for the right words ASAP. Every week we select a good discussion topic for the next class, and try to understand what other students say on the topic discussed.
In this Community University, students come from different professions. As they share their unique experience in conversations, it makes the discussions very interesting. In every class, we share our feelings and concerns in our daily lives, including family, work, and friends.
We all know that practice makes it perfect. If we keep working on our listening and speaking skills in English, and try to think in English, we will become more and more fluent. Some day our dream – Speaking English naturally, will come true.
In short, we are fortunate to have a lot of friendly classmates, which makes the class a good environment to learn English. The luckiest thing for us is we have a wonderful teacher Jennifer. She is a Chinese Canadian. Every time we enter the classroom, she always wears a big smile on her face and gives us a cheerful "Hi" to welcome everyone. She often encourages us: "Don't be scared to talk to foreigners in English", and "Be confident, believe that you can do it". She is nice and gentle, but insistent on the class rule – No Chinese in the class. We try to follow this class rule in order to avoid using Chinese, but at times we forget it. She always uses repeated throat clearing to remind us to speak only English. Thanks to her for the insistence. In this class we all believe without a doubt that our English is getting better and better!