Tuesday, 30 June 2009

July 3, 2009

  1. Rehearse the skit.
  2. Reading: Psalm 139 (if we don't get the time to go through it on July 3rd, we'll do it in the fall semester).

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

June 26, 2009

  1. Reading: Psalm 91
  2. Rehearse skit.

The script will be emailed to everyone after Leeann types out the changes we made in class and I proof read it before June 26. Please bring a printout to class.

Free Auditing & 15% Off Tuition Fees

  1. Free auditing: Please invite people you know of that are interested in learning English.
  2. Our presentation time is 11:50 a.m. to 12 noon on Sun July 5 in the lobby of the school. We'll meet at 11:00 for the final preparation .
  3. Group registration is until July 4. If you would like to get 15% off tuition fees, please fill out a registration form in class and pay the fees by the last class (July 3). If you are too busy to come to class and would like the class to help you register, please let us know.
  4. All new students will get 15% off tuition fees on Sunday, July 5 (one day only).

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

June 19, 2009

1. Reading: Mark 5 "Dying Girl and Sick Woman".

2. Work on skit script using the "Two Sons" story. We'll modify the story to give more speaking lines for the roles (Older Son, Younger Son, Father, Servant, and Narrators).

For people who have chosen a role to play or said could modify a role in the story for the script, please email the part you did to Leeann before this week's class, who will compile it then have Claire email the draft to everyone for June 19.

3. The class is open to auditors on June 19 and 26. Please invite people you can think of that are interested in learning English.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

June 12, 2009

  1. Reading: Daniel 6
  2. Preview Survival English up to unit 12
  3. Please bring your printout of the "Two Sons" story (Luke 15). In class we'll work on the script of the skit for the presentation on July 5 using this story.

Presentation for 981 Semester

On June 5, the class decided on the roles of the story:

Father: Anna
Older Son: To be picked by any student who would like to play it
Younger Son: Osen
Narrator 1: Teresa
Narrator 2: Leeann
(Optional) Neighbor 1: (Possibly) Nadia
(Optional) Neighbor 2: To be picked by any student who would like to play it.