Sunday, 29 May 2011

For May 31, 2011

1. Jonah 4
2. Survival 36
3. News (which Teresa may email later).
4. Rehearse skit

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Free Auditing on June 21 & 28, 2011

Please invite anyone interested in learning English to join us!

For May 24, 2011

1. Jonah 3
2. Survival 35
3. News
4. Decide on skit topic/contents

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

For May 17, 2011

1. Jonah 2
2. Survival 34
3. News (Teresa may email later)
4. Progress check
5. "Methods" on Tips for Learning English
6. Decide on topic/contents of skit for the school's Show Day (Sun July 3).

For May 10, 2011

1. Jonah 1
2. Survival unit 33 (Rita told the class on May 3 the duologue is not on your Student CD. So it's likely on the Class CD again. )
3. News: Royal Wedding (two news clips emailed by Teresa last week).
4. Tips for learning English: Methods (We finished the section "Mentality" on May 3).