Wednesday, 23 December 2020

For Dec 29, 2020 (free auditing; last class this term)

Excellent work, everyone!

Dec 29 is pizza party and free auditing day. Please invite everyone interested in learning English to join us!

For 29, 2020:

1. Review "Intonation", "Linked Sounds" , and "Reduced Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Proverbs 10~11" (p.755 of the handout given on Nov 24), or "Psalm 102" (handout given on Dec 15) if you prefer.

3. Survival English unit 32, Culture File 33 (p.92); Adverbs (p.74). 

4. Free talk topic(s): Holidays.

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (continued).

7. "How Successful Leaders Avoid Bad Morning Habits" (p.14~16 of Studio Classroom).

8. Progress check: what have you done to reach your English learning this term? What would you like to do more?

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

For Dec 22, 2020

Thanks to Amy for the fantastic job on the First Thanksgiving!

For Dec 22, 2020:

1. Review "Intonation", "Linked Sounds" , and "Reduced Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Proverbs 9~10" (p.754 of the handout given on Nov 24), or "Psalms 98~99" or "Psalms 100~102" (handouts given on Dec 8 and 15, respectively) if you prefer.

3. Survival English unit 32, Culture File 32 (p.91); Adjectives (p.73). 

4. Free talk topic(s): Gifts: What gifts would you like to give and receive? What do gifts mean to you?

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (continued).

7. "Treating the Common Cold" (p.12~13 of Studio Classroom).

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

For Dec 15, 2020

It's so rewarding to see everyone making such remarkable progress!

For Dec 15, 2020:

1. Review "Intonation", "Linked Sounds" , and "Reduced Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Proverbs 8~9" (p.753 of the handout given on Nov 24) or "Perspectives" (handout given on Dec 8) if you prefer.

3. Survival English unit 31, Culture File 31 (p.91); Pronouns and Prepositions (p.73). 

4. Free talk topic(s): Land and Housing. 

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (continued).

7.The First Thanksgiving (continued), which we did not get to on Dec 8. Thanks to Amy for being willing to share the info in class!

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Group Registration for Spring Term of 2021

The spring term of our class will be from March 9 to May 25, 2021, for 12 weeks.

Please bring NT$2,100 to class on Dec 8, 15, or 22, 2020 if you'd like to register with the group and receive 15% off tuition fee. This includes NT$1,700 tuition fee (15% off), NT$200 registration fee, and NT$200 insurance premium.

For Dec 8, 2020

Thank you for studying hard and making the effort to come to class!

For Dec 8, 2020:

1.  Review "Intonation", "Linked Sounds" , and "Reduced Sounds"  using class materials. 

2. "Alek Wek" (handout prepared by Rex) and/or "Proverbs 8~9" (p.753 of the handout given on Nov 24). Thanks to Rex! 

"Living with Hope" (handout given on Dec 1) if you prefer.

3. Survival English unit 30, Culture File 30 (p.91);  Be and Have (p.72). 

4. Free talk topic(s): Thankfulness--What are some things you're thankful for, and people you're thankful to?

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (continued).

7. The First Thanksgiving (continued). Thanks to Amy for being willing to share the info in class!

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

For Dec 1, 2020

Thank you for the hard work!

For Dec 1, 2020:

1. Review "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" , and "Reduced Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Ada Lovelace" (handout prepared by Rex) and/or "Proverbs 8" (p.752 of the handout given on Nov 24). Thanks to Rex!

3. Survival English unit 29, Culture File 29 (p.91); Articles (p.72). 

4. Free talk topic(s): The Environment.

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (continued).

7. The First Thanksgiving. 

Happy (American) Thanksgiving! (November 26th, 2020).

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

For Nov 24, 2020

Thank you for helping one another out!

For Nov 24, 2020:

1. Review "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" , and "Reduced Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Ruth Bader Ginsburg" (handout prepared by Rex) and/or "Temptation" (handout given on Nov 17). Thanks to Rex!

3. Survival English unit 28, Culture File 28 (p.90); Irregular Verbs (p.80). 

4. Free talk topic(s): Community.

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (continued).

Happy (American) Thanksgiving! (November 26th, 2020).

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

For Nov 17, 2020

Thank you for the terrific work!

For Nov 17, 2020:

1. Review "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" , and "Reduced Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Coco Chanel" (handout prepared by Rex) and/or "Courage" (handout given on Nov 10). Thanks to Rex!

3. Survival English unit 27, Culture File 27 (p.90); Gerunds and Infinitives (p.80). 

4. Free talk topic(s): Current Affairs.

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (part 2).

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

For Nov 10, 2020

Great job, everyone!

For Nov 10, 2020:

1. Review "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Patience" (handout given on Nov 3).

3. Survival English unit 26, Culture File 26 (p.90); Modal Verbs part 2 (p.79). 

4. Free talk topic(s): Aging; Retirement.

5. Pronunciation.

6. Reduced Sounds (part 1).

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

For Nov 3, 2020

It's great to see everyone making so much progress!

For Nov 3, 2020:

1.  Review "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Jane Goodall" handout that Amy prepared and photocopied for the class, and/or "Peace" (handout given on Oct 20).

3. Survival English unit 25, Culture File 25 (p.90); Modal Verbs part 1 (p.79). 

4. Free talk topic(s):  Natural Disasters.

5. Pronunciation.

6. Progress check: What have you done to reach your English learning goes for this term? What would you like to do more? 

No class on Oct 27, 2020 (Civil Development Week)

Please attend the talks prepared by the school and sign up online ahead of time:

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

For Oct 20, 2020

Thank you for the dedication to learning and practicing English!

For Oct 20, 2020:

1.  Review "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 

2. "Jane Austen" handout that Amy prepared and photocopied for the class, and/or "God's Timing" (handout given on Oct 13).

3. Survival English unit 24, Culture File 24 (p.89);  Prepositions (p.78). 

4. Free talk topic(s):  Hopes; Wishes; Dreams.

5. Pronunciation.

Thursday, 8 October 2020

For Oct 13, 2020

Thank you for the enthusiastic participation and good work!

For Oct 13, 2020:

1.  Review "Intonation" and "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 

2. The three-page green handout that Grace prepared and photocopied for the class (p. 3 of 3), and/or "Making Choices (handout given on Oct 6).

3. Survival English unit 23, Culture File 23 (p.89),   Phrasal Verbs (p.78). 

4. Free talk topic(s): Personality.

5. Pronunciation. 

Thursday, 1 October 2020

For Oct 6, 2020

Great work, everyone!

For October 6, 2020:
1.  Review "Intonation" using class materials. 
2. The three-page green handout that Grace prepared and photocopied for the class (p. 2 of 3), and/or "The Moon"  (handout given on Sep 29).
3. Survival English unit 22, Culture File 22 (p.89),   Questions (p.77). 
4. Free talk topic(s): Truth; Lies.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Linked Sounds.

Happy Moon Festival!

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

For Sep 29, 2020

Thank you for making the effort to come to class!

For Sep 29, 2020:
1.  Review "Intonation" using class materials. 
2. The three-page green handout that Grace prepared and photocopied for the class (p. 1 of 3). Thanks to Grace!
3. Survival English unit 21, Culture File 21 (p.89),  Passive (p.77). 
4. Free talk topic(s): Sports; Exercise; Fitness.
5. Pronunciation.
6. "Hypocrisy"  (handout given on Sep 22).

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

For Sep 22, 2020

Thank you for making the effort to come and the good work!

For Sep 22, 2020:
1.  Review "Intonation" using class materials. 
2. "Love"  (handout given on Sep 15).
3. Survival English unit 20, Culture File 20 (p.88),  Future Tenses (p.76). 
4. Free talk topic(s): Wants; Needs.
5. Pronunciation.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

For Sep 15, 2020

Excellent work, everyone!

For Sep 15, 2020:
1.  Review "Intonation" using class materials. Thanks so much to Grace for the great job teaching it on Sep 8!
2. "Trust and Obedience"  (handout given on Sep 8).
3. Survival English unit 19, Culture File 19 (p.88),  Present Perfect Tense (p.76). 
4. Free talk topic(s): Shopping; Fashion.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Submit your English learning goals for this term (if you haven't done so), so that I can help you better. Please be specific re: What, how, when, for how long each time, and how often. We'll review them halfway through the term and at the end of the term.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

For Sep 8, 2020

A warm welcome to the new members of our class Joy, Rex, and Sabrina!
So good to see everyone back!

For Sep 8, 2020:
1.  "Intonation". Thanks so much to Grace for the wonderful handout and being willing to teach it!
2. "The Great Healer"  (handout given on Sep 1).
3. Survival English unit 18, Culture File 18 (p.88),  Past Tenses (p.75). 
4. Free talk topic(s): Interests and Hobbies.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Submit your English learning goals for this term, so that I can help you better. Please be specific re: What, how, when, for how long each time, and how often. We'll review them halfway through the term and at the end of the term.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Free Auditing on September 1, 2020

Please invite everyone interested in learning English to join us!

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

For May 19, 2020 (last class this term)

it's been a real delight to see everyone studying so hard and making so much progress!

For May 19, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" , "Linked Sounds" , and  "Reduced Sounds" using class materials. 
2. Survival English unit 17, Culture File 17 (p.88), Present Tenses (p.75). 
3. "Knowing Your Worth"  (handout given on May 12).
4. Free talk topic(s): Vacation.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Linked Sounds (3).
7.  Progress check: What have you done to achieve your English learning goals for this term? What would you like to do more?

Pizza Party on May 19, 2020

Enjoy pizza and fried chicken with the class from 7 to about 7:30 PM!  Please feel free to bring your own food if you have other preferences.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

For May 12, 2020

Thank you for the wonderful and consistent work!

For May 12, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" , "Linked Sounds" , and  "Reduced Sounds" using class materials. 
2. Survival English unit 16, Culture File 16 (p.87),  Quantities(p.74). 
3. "Freedom from Bondage"  (handout given on May 5).
4. Free talk topic(s): Money.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Linked Sounds (2).

Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Free Auditing on May 19, 2020

Our last class this term is May 19, 2020, which is also free auditing day. Please invite people interested in learning English to join us!

Group Registration for the fall term of 2020

The fall term of our class will be from September 1, 2020 to December 29, 2020, for 18 weeks.
Please bring NT$2,950 on May 12 or 19, 2020
if you'd like to register with the group and receive 15% off tuition fee. This includes NT$2,550 tuition fee (15% off), NT$200 registration fee, and NT$200 insurance premium.

For May 5, 2020 (No class on Apr 28, 2020)

It's a joy to see everyone so dedicated to learning English! Thank you for the excellent work! 

For May 5, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" & "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 
2. Survival English unit 15, Culture File 15 (p.87),  Adverbs (p.74). 
3. "Facing Fear"  (handout given on Apr 21).
4. Free talk topic(s): Management.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Linked Sounds (1).

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

For Apr 21, 2020

Great work, everyone!

For Apr 21, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" and  "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 
2. Survival English unit 14, Culture File 14 (p.87), Adjectives (p.73). 
3. "Contentment"  (handout given on Apr 14).
4. Free talk topic(s): Shopping; Materialism; Consumerism.
5. Pronunciation.

No class on Apr 28, 2020 (Civil Development Week).

Please attend any talks prepared by the school throughout the week.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

For Apr 14, 2020

It's fantastic to see everyone making so much progress! 

For Apr 14, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" & "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 
2. Survival English unit 13, Culture File 13 (p.87), Pronouns and Possessives (p.73). 
3. "Security"  (handout given on Apr 7).
4. Free talk topic(s): Current Events.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Progress check: How have you been doing in reaching your English learning goals for this term? What would you like to do more?

Happy Easter! (April 12, 2020 this year)

Friday, 3 April 2020

For Apr 7, 2020

Thank you for the hard and excellent work! 

For Apr 7, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" & "Linked Sounds" using class materials. 
2. Survival English unit 12, Culture File 12 (p.86), Be and Have (p.72). 
3. "Finding Joy"  (handout given on Mar 31).
4. Free talk topic(s): Education.
5. Pronunciation.

Happy Easter! (April 12, 2020 this year)

Thursday, 26 March 2020

For Mar 31, 2020

Thank you for helping one another by correcting one another's mistakes! 
Thanks so much to Tina for assisting Hsiu-Ju order the text and for the alcohol, and to Grace for printing out the handouts! 

For Mar 31, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" using class materials. 
2. Survival English unit 11, Culture File 11 (p.86),  Articles (p.72). 
3. "God's Promises"  (handout given on Mar 24).
4. Free talk topic(s): Parenting.
5. Pronunciation.
6. Linked Sounds.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

For Mar 24, 2020

Great work, everyone! It's a delight to see everyone so dedicated to learning English with such enthusiasm! Thank you for helping one another practice, sanitizing and cleaning the tables with alcohol, and opening the windows for good ventilation!

For Mar 24, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" using class materials. Thanks so much to Grace for all the assistance to all of us in every way!
2. Survival English unit 10, Culture File 10 (p.86), Irregular Verbs (p.80). Unit 9, Culture File 9 (p.86), Infinitives (p.80) if you didn't get a chance to go through them on Mar 17 and would like to.
3. "Adversity"  (handout given on Mar 17).
4. Free talk topic(s): Values.
5. Pronunciation.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

For Mar 17, 2020

A warm welcome to the new member of our class Hsiu-Ju!

For Mar 17, 2020:

1. Practice "Intonation" using class materials. Thanks so much to Grace for the wonderful handout and the great job teaching it on Mar 10!
2. Please write down your English learning goals for this term, keep a copy for yourself, and give me a copy so I can help you better, if you haven't done so. Please be specific- Write down how (what you plan to do to reach your goals), when, for how long, where, and how often.
We'll use them to check your progress halfway through the term and at the end of this term.
3. "The Gift of Rest"  (handout given on Mar 3), and /or "The Lord Is My Fortress"  (handout given on Mar 10) .
4. Survival English unit 9, Culture File 9 (p.86), Infinitives (p.80).
5. Free talk topic(s): Family; friends.
6. Pronunciation.

Please give the class leader Sania NT$150 for the class fund if you haven't done so.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Classroom Change for Spring 2020

We've moved to the Reading Room (Room 101) adjacent to Room 112 on the 1st floor for the rest of the spring term of 2020. 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

For Mar 10, 2020

A warm welcome to the new members of our class Vivian, Jane, and Emma!

For Mar 10, 2020:

1. Tips for Learning English (continued).
2. Please write down your English learning goals for this term, keep a copy for yourself, and give me a copy so I can help you better. Please be specific- Write down how (what you plan to do to reach your goals), when, for how long, and how often.
We'll use them to check your progress halfway through the term and at the end of this term.
3. "The Gift of Rest"  (handout given on Mar 3).
4. Intonation.
5. Free talk topic(s):  Hobbies & interests; Health.
6. Pronunciation

1. Please give the class leader Sania NT$150 for the class fund.

2. To order secondhand textbook "New Edition, New Survival English"(or "New Survival English"): 

Note: Make sure the title has the word "New". 
It'd be a good idea to check to ensure the person is still selling it before placing the order.