Wednesday, 1 July 2015

For July 7, 2015 (the last class of this term)

1. Survival unit 27, Culture File 27 (p.90). Listening of Unit 26, which we didn't get to do on June 30, if people would like to. Grammar File 1 (p.72) for those who would like to review grammar.
2. The Holy Spirit the Counselor Is Promised(p.12~13 of the attached handouts) 
To listen to it online (a slightly different version from the one used in the handout):
3. Pronunciation
4. Free talk: Modern Technology
5. "It Is Rude To ...." handout (given out on June 9)
6. Progress check: Please bring your English learning goals for this term to class to review what you've done well and what you'd like to do more to reach your goals.

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