A warm welcome to the new member of our class Felicia! Thank you all for the enthusiastic participation!
For Sep 17, 2019:
1. Tips for Learning English (continued).(Please bring this handout to class weekly as we may refer to it from time to time).
2. Your English learning goals: Please write down your English learning goals for this term, keep a copy for yourself, and give me a copy so I can help you better. Please be specific- Write down how (what you plan to do to reach your goals), when, for how long, and how often.
We'll use them to check your progress halfway through the term and at the end of the term.
3. "Intonation" (continued)(handout given on Sep 3). Thanks to Grace for being willing to teach it and for the wonderful handout!
4. "Building Faith" (handout given on Sep 3).
5. Pronunciation.
6. Free talk topic(s): Food; Nutrition.
Announcements for Sep 17, 2019:
1. Please feel free to eat your supper in class while listening to others talk.
2. Please give the class leader Jason NT$150 for the class fund.
Have a blessed Moon Festival with your family!
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