Thursday, 8 July 2021

Second online lesson: July 13, 2021

Thank you all for your wonderful participation in our first online lesson on July 6! I really appreciate your contribution and helping one another and me out in the so many and timely ways! You make our class a truly supportive community for all of us to learn and grow with!

For July 13, 2021 using Google Meet:

1. Feedback and suggestion(s) for online lessons, and progress check (What have you done to reach your English learning goals for this term? What would you like to do more?)

Thanks to Jo for suggesting people to mute (turn off) their mic when not speaking during the online lessons, so other people can hear the speaker clearly : )

2. "Money Matters" (handout given on May 11). Thanks so much to Jason for making the big print photocopies for the class!

3. "The Best of Bruno Mars" (p.48 to 50 of Studio Classroom magazine. The Chinese translation is at the back of the magazine.

4. Review and practice "Reduced Sounds" using the handout "Reduced Form", which has "Reduced Sounds" on the reverse of the same sheet.

5. To practice on your own: Survival English unit 43, Culture File 43 (p.94). Modal Verbs part 2 (p.79).

Looking forward to seeing everyone online again on July 13!

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