Tuesday 28 April 2009

Request Reading Materials by May 6, 2009

If you need photocopies of the reading materials because you have no access to a printer or have no time to print them out yourself, please let Claire know by Wednesday May 6, as Anna will take all the reading materials for the rest of the term to a photocopy shop to photocopy them for those of you needing them. For those of you who will have requested the photocopies by May 6, Anna will give them to you in class on May 8.

In the last class, we decided to only use the copier card that Claire bought with the class funds to photocopy in the school's office when someone forgets to bring their copy. This way we can save the cost (it costs NT$2 per page using the card to copy in the office, while the photocopy shop charges NT$1 per page.)

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